Monday, January 25, 2016

The Faith Through Art Project

To create and share art that glorifies God.

1) To write and illustrate children’s material that is a tool for teaching children about Jesus at home and in church ministries.
2) To create and organize a workshop designed to bring people together by creating art that glorifies God and shares their faith.

I am excited to announce that I have been given a $1,000 matching gift to launch the Faith through Art Project. However, in order for me to receive this gift I must raise the full $1,000 by March 20, the first day of spring. Would you prayerfully consider helping me launch these projects by helping me to acquire this matching gift? 

To send a matching gift go to the website: REArteCR

Faith Through Art Event
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord... It is the Lord Christ you are serving. ~ Colossians 3:23-24

  1. To create the first of 3 paintings that represent how God provides for our basic needs: clothing, water, and food (Matthew 6:25-34) by 6/16
  2. TopilotmyfirstFaithThroughArteventby8/16
  3. TopromotemyfirstFaithThroughArteventby

 Grace Community Church, Nashville Michigan

Children’s Material

Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6
  1. To write and Illustrate the preparation phase of Christ’s life for children by 1/17
  2. To pilot the material in 2 local churches and 4 homes by 2/17 (English and Spanish speaking)
  3. To have the material available to download on the website in English and Spanish by 4/17 
To send a matching gift go to the website: REArteCR or contact me directly

Monday, January 18, 2016

Art Journal

For the past few months I have been reading a book called The Creative Call with a friend. Which, if you are an artist I recommend and if you are not an artist I also recommend. It is a great book that explains how everyone is an artists (not just visual, musical or literary but this also includes cooking, gardening, photography, quilting, weaving, etc). Each person expresses their creativity differently and this book will challenge you in the area of art that you do best. This book as challenged me to start an Art Journal (the author of the book calls them day books, but I prefer Art Journal). Here is the cover and my first page.

I found a blank paged notebook at Universal and covered it with paper then with plastic to make it last a little longer. 

Here is my first page, I decided I would make some rules for how I was going to proceed with my art journal. I saw a layout I really liked so I took the idea and made it my own.

Goal: To draw or write in my art journal every day in 2016. Look for some art journal pages later this year. :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I am excited to announce my new website!!!  If you have not checked it out you should.

My website has all sorts of cool things. There is a Gallery tab that beautifully displays my drawings and paintings. An Accessory page, which is still under construction. Several tabs about the new art ministries I am starting: Faith Through Art, Children's Material, and Children's Books. Still a work in progress but I think I am off to a great start :)

I am most excited about the Faith Through Art ministry... check that one out!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Christmas Clocks

Growing up, Christmas was a special time and gifts were supposed to be something well thought out, special, and something the person actually wanted or needed. Lets be honest, we have all gotten at some point or another a gift that when we opened it we thought, "Thanks... another piece of junk for the closet?". So, I try to make as many unique or special gifts as I can, sometimes they turn out well and other times not so much. This year, I made a few clocks. They turned out awesome! Or at least I think so. :)

Clock #1: Chicago Cityscape
This was a gift for my sister in law who lives in Chicago.

Started with a piece of plywood, my Dad helped me cut it and make the hole to insert the clock mechanism. Then I sanded the wood a little and it was ready to paint. I started by painting a base coat on the sky because the wood was pretty dark. 

Once the sky had a base coat I started a base coat of Lake Michigan.

Finished up the sky and lake. 

Then painted in the silhouette of Chicago.

The last step was to insert the clock mechanism and all done!

Clock #2: Cross - Gal. 2:20
This was a gift for my grandparents.


First I took out the clock mechanism and sanded it to get it ready for the paint.

This one went pretty quick because it was a painting I had done before with a Group Painting Class for Grace Church in Michigan. I painted the background and added little dots to make it easier to tell the time.

Once the background painting was finished and dry, I added the verse Galatians 2:20a ( I really like this verse and I think it fits well with the painting). And lastly I reassembled the clock. 

Clock #3: "Just Go"
This was a gift for my sister in law who lives in Alabama, my brother kept telling me how much he liked the original drawing so I thought they would like this one made into a clock. 

Unfortunately I don't have any picture of the process of this one. It is a chalk pastel and gets pretty messy, so every time my hands were clean to take a picture I forgot. Sorry!!! I really like how this one turned out though, the glass is actually bubbled (it's kinda hard to tell from the pictures).